Persuasive Text

Text that is designed to move or sway the reader/listener through the use of argument and/or entreaty, whether to change the reader's opinion or to rally support for a cause or belief. Persuasion is considered one of the four traditional forms of composition (along with description, exposition, and narration)

Purpose: To argue the case for a point of view
To attempt to convince the reader
Structure: Opening statement - introduce your point of view
Arguments - point and evidence
Conclusion - repeat your point of view
Features: Present tense
Connectives (logical not time) - because, however, this
shows, etc.
Writer's Knowledge:
§ Use good reasons and evidence to convince your readers
§ Use facts rather than persuasive comments
§ You may wish to counter arguments
§ Try to get the reader interested and on your side - appear reasonable
§ Tantalise (fascinate) your readers so that they agree with you
§ Use strong, positive language
§ Short sentences can help give emphasis
§ Make the reader think that everybody else does this, agrees or that it
will make them a better, happier person, eg Everyone agrees that…,
We all know that…
§ Draw the reader in, eg At long last the …… that you have been
waiting for
§ Be informative, persuasive and friendly
§ Alliteration can make slogans memorable, eg Buy British Beef
§ Use humour as it can help get people on your side
§ A picture that tugs at the heart-strings can be more powerful than
1000 words
Finally, re-read and decide whether or not you would
be persuaded

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